Well this Covid-19 has altered a lot of things in our daily routines for sure. For Rob and I it means living in a travel trailer for now, where we are quite comfortable but space is at a premium. So presently sewing and quilting project are on hold so crocheting is the answer to idle hands.
My daughter at RavenAndZoey, brought me some giant balls of yarn in amazing colours. I have always wanted to do a multi stitch afghan, so searched youtube and found some great ideas.
Huge balls of yarn, love the colour combo!
So here are a few pictures of the progress so far. I found two 20 row repeat pattern afghans. Seeing they both work with any multiple of 24 stitches, I decided to add a few of the rows from second pattern.
Starting rows
15 rows complete
With 20 rows completed this finishes the pattern repeat. This is when I decided to add some of the another design.
First 36 rows done! Loving the look.
Rows 1-42
The above picture is the complete stitch selection I have decided on. I actually have started at the beginning again as you will have noticed with the bobble stitch row.
It's actually quite fun to do, changing colours hasn't been a problem as I am working over the ends as I stitch and changing yarn on the final stitch of each row. Really like the way it is coming along.
I started with 216 stitches and realize it is going to be a WIDE afghan but I have lots of yarn so should be able to make it large enough for two to snuggle under! And we may be back to old weather before I get it completed!
Finished product!
Love the finished look!